Give Your Liver a Spring Break

Spring is the season when the liver and gall bladder are sluggish but it's also the time when we need those two organs to be working at their peak. Coffee enemas and colonics are a great way to get the glutathione boosted and to in general clean out.

Here's also an easy recipe to show your liver you love it:

Grate two or three small beets
Add two tablespoons virgin olive oil
Squirt the juice of half a lemon
Mix and eat this tasty dish on empty stomach

Stay near a bathroom because what goes in must come out.

Causes of cardiomyopathy

Causes of cardiomyopathy

Pregnancy-related cardiomyopathy

What causes peripartum cardiomyopathy?
The cause and the underlying disease mechanisms of peripartum cardiomyopathy is unknown, and many theories have been proposed. Nutritional disorders, autoimmune disease, inflammatory disease, viruses, blood cells from the fetus that enters the mother's blood as well as other theories have not led to any conclusion about the cause or progression of disease.

We are also uncertain about what might predispose to this disease. It is suggested that the following factors may increase the risk: high maternal age, number of previous births, African origin, pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure, use of rihemmende agent and twins.
Causes of cardiomyopathy.jpg

Despite this, we know about. 1/3 of the cases occur among young nulliparous.

Pregnancy related cardiomyopathy

Pregnancy related cardiomyopathy

What is pregnancy-related cardiomyopathy?

Pregnancy-related cardiomyopathy (peripartum cardiomyopathy) is a condition of unknown cause in which early signs of heart failure and symptoms of heart failure occur between the last month of pregnancy and the first five months after birth. However, there are reports of similar disease pictures earlier in pregnancy, cases may be due to this condition.

Cardiomyopathy means that the disease attacks the muscles of the heart. Peripartum means surrounding the birth. The diagnosis of peripartum cardiomyopathy is made by excluding other causes of cardiomyopathy.
Pregnancy related cardiomyopathy

A heart that fails in this condition will cause the heart expands - dilated - is greater. It increases the risk of blood clots can form in the heart. Such blood clots can break loose, float in the blood and clog blood vessels elsewhere in the body.

Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a relatively rare disease. There are no reliable prevalence data, and the numbers that exist, differ widely. In the U.S., it is suggested that there are approx. 1 case per 4000 births.

Why Fried Food Is Not Good For Older Women?

Every year, stroke affects nearly 800,000 people in the United States. It is the 4th leading cause of death in the United States.

A stroke, also known as a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), is the loss of brain functions because the blood supply to the brain is disturbed. Both ischemia (lack of blood flow) caused by blockage or hemorrhage (leakage of blood) could cause a stroke.

In a paper published on March 1, 2012 in the ‘Annals of Neurology’, researchers from University of North Carolina found that older women who ate high amounts of transfer fats found in fried foods and baked goods were at a greater risk of stroke than women who ate less fatty diets.

Data was taken from a large study on eating habits of 87,025 post-menopausal women, who aged between 50 and 79. These women were generally in good health at the time of enrolment.

The findings showed that women who ate diets high in trans-fatty acids (6.1 grams a day) had a 39 percent higher risk of stroke due to a blocked artery than women who ate 2.2 grams of trans-fatty acids per day. However, researchers did not find any significant association between stroke risk and how much total fats women ate, or their level of dietary cholesterol. They also found that aspirin could help lower the risk of stroke among post-menopausal women.

While the availability and consumption of trans fat have declined in the United States as a result of banning by public health and legislation campaign for the use of trans fat in many fast food restaurants and in food preparation, trans fat has not completely disappeared.

Trans fat commonly occurs in foods because of partial hydrogenation, a food processing method in which a liquid vegetable oil is transformed into a solid fat. Trans fat can lower the good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, HDL) and raise the bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, LDL). This could in turn raise the likelihood of getting hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease and of course stroke.

As such, researchers suggested that older women should adopt a diet low in trans fat and should also take aspirin to help lower their risk of stroke, especially at the onset of menopause.

On the other hand, health experts not involving in the study argued that it is possible that women who ate a lot of trans fat were also unhealthy: the might have less physical activity, smoke and have higher level of diabetes. Therefore, they recommend these women should have a balanced diet avoiding trans fat and including healthy oils and daily physical activity. They believed this would help prevent stroke and other lifestyle related disease including heart disease and hypertension.

Plantar Fasciitis: Is it Coming from a Scar?

Should you come down with the painful condition called plantar fasciitis, get to a podiatrist. Don't mess with Foot Solutions -- chances are you're going to need to tape your foot and get properly fitted arch supports.

But what you may not know and chances of your doctor considering an old scar to be the culprit is unlikely. A case in point: a woman who had a scar on her buttock from an old operation was preventing the foot from healing. Procaine was injected into the scar and the woman saw immediate relief. A doctor trained in procaine injections can help but so can an acupuncturist -- there are special needles that hold procaine that can open the scar.

When we have a scar, even from a mole removal, it can cause a short circuit in the energy pathways. In my practice I use procaine but I also use special magnetic clay.
A scar can block regulation of the autonomic nervous system preventing us from achieving the healing we so desire. When people tell me they want to get plastic surgery, I tell them to think twice. Sometimes it's better to age gracefully than go through life with a bushel of problems that we don't really need.

Treatment for hypertrophy

Treatment for hypertrophy

Preventive treatment

Young people with known hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should be advised not to expose themselves to excessive exertion, even if their condition is asymptomatic.

They should therefore, not participate in competitive sports with high standards of fitness. Most, however, participate in recreational activities that cause only mild to moderate physical strain.

How are long-term prospects?

Many patients may be asymptomatic throughout life and have a normal life. Among those who will develop these symptoms usually slowly. Over time, it can develop heart failure or angina pectoris.
Treatment for hypertrophy

Sudden death can occur, but modern treatment with the defibrillator and cardiac surgery aims to reduce the risk of such events.

Treatment for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Treatment for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

What is the treatment?

The goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms and possibly prevent complications, particularly sudden death.

People without symptoms, and where there is no information on family cases of unexpected death at a young age, should not be treated medically, but is followed by a heart specialist.

Drug therapy is the primary treatment if the patient has symptoms. In complicated cases where medicines are working poor, both pacemaker therapy and surgical treatment are appropriate.
Treatment for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

In some cases, a defibrillator implanted under the skin and in extreme cases, heart transplantation may be required.
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